Analytics is about answers.
Maturity gives you the right ones.

Mature analytics means smarter business decisions.

Analytics is all about understanding the customer journey. The more advanced your analytics maturity, the greater your ability to transform customer data into actionable insights that strategically drive marketing performance.

How Analytics Maturity is measured:

The index below is a roadmap organizations can use to mature their analytics practices. Each level demonstrates progressively deeper analytics capabilities.

Descriptive Analytics

What happened? Hindsight


Why did it happen? Insight


What will happen? Foresight


How can we make it happen? Behavorial

  • Who is ASOS?
  • A unique business model
  • The role of analytics

How ASOS transformed their business with analytics.

Advancing their analytics maturity made it possible for ASOS to harness customer data faster and smarter — giving them the insights to better understand and proactively respond to customer behaviors. This agility resulted in more personalized, cross-channel experiences that strengthened brand relationships and drove revenue.

8 million active customers

2nd most visited fashion website on the planet

640 million in annual revenue

Transform your analytics. Transform your business.

Advance your analytics maturity. Take the Adobe Analytics Self Assessment, and learn where your organization falls on the maturity spectrum. This in-depth assessment will:

  • Measure the effectiveness of your current practices
  • Compare your performance to your competition
  • Deliver a full report to share with your teams
  • Help you develop strategies for improvement
Take Assessment